Guide Lego Speedorz

You’ll also need five Speedorz cards, though if you wanted to, you could probably play the game without cards, or even just use cards and no Speedor… but we’ll get to that! To start the game, arrange whatever challenge you have from the Speedorz sets you got (Ring of Fire, Jungle Gates, Nest Jump, etc.) and get ready with your Speedor. 

Of course you’ll need an opponent too, and that can get a bit complicated since whether or not you go at the same time or one after another depends on the challenge. In general, when there’s a Chi ball involved (as in the Chi Waterfall, for example), it seems you’re supposed to go at the same time. If not (as in Ring of Fire), just take turns. If you are playing a challenge that does not have a Chi ball, whoever goes through (keep going until you have a winner) wins. But if there is a Chi ball included in the challenge, not only you have to go through the obstacle and release the Chi, you also have to be the first to grab it. Then, you move on to the next round.

Remember those Speedorz cards we talked about before? Now is the time to use them! If you haven’t shuffled them before be sure to do so now, and draw the top one. Whoever succeeded in completing the challenge now has a slight advantage; before showing the cards to each other, that player gets to pick which power they will compare. In other words, if you look at any card you’ll see that there are four different powers on the bottom that you can choose from; Instinct, Courage, Strength and Speed.

The original winner now gets to pick which of the four powers will face off to determine who gets the two Chi crystals up for grabs at the end of the round. But before you reveal your cards, you have an option to pay one Chi crystal and add the amount specified in the blue circle to the power either you or your opponent have picked. Of course, you have to already have a crystal to do this! Once that is done, compare the cards; whoever has the highest score is the winner of that round, and receives two Chi crystals. Whoever gets 6 crystals first wins! 

The nice thing about the Speedorz game is that it’s more fast-paced than Ninjago; instead of watching a spinner twirl around, you get to see your Speedor go flying across the room. But there’s a sort of trade off involved with that; the cards aren’t actually incorporated into the game but almost constitute a game of their own. As I hinted at earlier, it would be pretty easy to give the two crystals to whoever won the challenge, or to skip the challenge and pick a power at random before drawing your cards. The great thing about the Ninjago spinners is that the cards are there to give you an advantage in spinning, not like in Speedorz, where it seems to work the other way around and actually diminish your advantage! 
